Tuesday, July 13, 2010

It makes sense for so many

I am well aware that what makes sense is different from what is actually done.  There is demand -baby boomers wanting houses in close in neighborhoods and there is supply babyboomers wanting to resize and "retire in place."  It is a win-win that is definately doable.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Want to Have your Cake and  Eat It too? If we wanted apartment/condo living we wouldn't have our houses.  We don't want apartments now. One family I knew in a subdivision subdivided their lot.  They still have their house but with enough money to, say, pick up a second house in Florida.  Impossible you say?  Baby Boomers love the  five minute drive to great amenities.  Stay close in.  In Orlando the hotshot developers next to us got permission to put houses on two lots the combined size of mine.  Our older houses can't compete with the new houses there.   So, for instance, I keep 1000 square feet and knockdown and give 750 square feet from my current house.  A mere 250 square square ft more which this -is- zoned for and voila!  Another couple of baby boomers have a great inexpensive lot to build their dream home. Everyone on the street agrees. We want the opportunity to add more retirees. Stay tuned- what will Winter Park commissioners say?